Staying Active


Over the last 10 days 2 of them have been sunny and bright, yes, I know only two but what a reaction those sunny hours had on us, like little flowers our faces were turning towards the beautiful yellow blob in the sky we took a moment and smiled. In a vain attempt to keep myself fit I trot four times a week a short distance over Battersea Bridge, it stretches over the River Thames and leads to my gym. The colder and more miserable the weather the faster, with my head down, I run not to keep warm it just shortens the time it takes me to get there, but today I set out a little earlier and walked, soaking in the light, gazing at the boats in the water and taking in my surroundings like a new location. After an hour of Pilates back I walked smugly knowing I’d stretched and tightened all those important little bits and bobs that need extra attention the older we get and as a celebration of my pelvic floor I spent a whole pound on a rather nice bunch of daffodils and in the words of Katrina and The Waves I was, ‘Walking on Sunshine’ 

Gym Bunnies are often quick to dismiss the power of everyday walking yet it’s not only good for the mind and one of the best stress alleviators you tone as you go, but only if you walk with posture and purpose. I watch people walk all the time this everyday movement we often take for granted, says so much about how a person’s body works as everything is interlinked. We think we have problems with our neck but the way we move our pelvis has a direct impact on it. So, treat walking not as a chore to get you from A to B but as a way of exercising and putting your body back into order. Imagine your body as a stack, a little but like Jenga, where if you move one piece out you compromise the hole structure and too many pieces and it falls over.  Stand for a moment with your nose pointing forward your shoulders back (if your hands are not cupping the outside of your thighs they’re not back) draw your stomach in, rib cage up, legs hip width apart, toes facing forward. Stand for a moment in that position get used to the feeling, it might be odd? Then off you go using your feet correctly heel hits the ground first rolling through to the ball of your foot. However thrown you are I promise you, this how you walk activating your lymphatic system, burning calories, toning your muscles especially your stomach. If you are carrying a bag, consider a cross bag or a well-balanced backpack and if you pick shopping up use two bags balanced in each hand and take the strain using your biceps. Basically, never miss an opportunity to make little improvements by multitasking your way to fitness, we are designed to move but modern-day life impleads us, don’t let it stay with me and Katrina!



Love, Love, Love, May


How many times can we talk about decluttering?