How many times can we talk about decluttering?

How many times can we talk about decluttering? Well, every day in my book, it’s an essential part of our wellbeing tidy home, tidy mind, eradicate and radiate. I don’t know anyone who is focused yet has a light open ‘uncluttered’ mind with a healthy attitude to life and seems to get the best out of it who operates back at base camp (home) in chaos because it’s virtually impossible to achieve. When working with people who need putting back onto the organised path because for a myriad of reasons they’ve ended up under a pile of rubbish I give them a mantra.

If an item isn’t, useful, beautiful or seriously sentimental get rid of it.

To be honest I gave it to one woman and the next time I saw her she’d got rid of her husband. “The problem is Anthea” she said “I’ve been pondering about this for years and when you gave me the categories I had a long hard think and realised, he didn’t come into any of them. The chap has let himself go, he’s not useful, I do everything DIY sort the car out and I’m way passed being sentimentally attached to him” I had met her Husband it was difficult to argue with her! 

Not that she was a saint herself, I found a Weetabix under her son’s bed and when I asked her, “When was the last time you vacuumed under here?” she happily said “Never since moving in three years ago”

Having a tidy home doesn’t mean you are strapped to it constantly tidying, it gives you the reverse freedom because you can find your possessions easily you don’t worry inviting people over, you can say yes to fun invitations, going out knowing you are on top of everything and that is very calming. Tidy people run this ethos throughout everything from their desk at work, to their car, caravan, hotel room and it’s not difficult. If you are suffering with your mental health, I plead with you to try this cheap effective trick to assist your wellbeing by spring cleaning your life. You are a bright intelligent individual so don’t tell me you can’t do it, you can and when you have the feeling of calm is better than any tablet a doctor could prescribe. Even now if I have a bad day instead of allowing my demons (we all have them) to attack I punch them away jet washing, vacuuming, editing draws, tidying my wardrobe or cleaning something I don’t always get round to doing, like the soap shoot in my washing machine. Once completed the anxiety that had enveloped me will have lessened and I’ll will be able to see the wood for the trees and think about all the good positive things I have around me especially friends that make me smile. Love the fact we are talking this week about another positive therapy laughing.

Good times with friends are precious and there nothing like a night out with a great group of women to kick up the dust and have a laugh. Obviously, there’s no dust in my house because I’ve cleaned it all up!! 

Love Anthea X


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