How do you read your copy of My Weekly? 


How do you read your copy of My Weekly? 

Do you do what I do, as soon as I see it land on the matt, 

I know, unlike other items of post, it’s a treat and like a child at Christmas I rip open the envelope and take my first flick through. I check out the front cover for a few seconds then off I go not really reading because I will come back to that just looking at headlines and pictures, seeing what jumps out and sparks my interest. If you’ve done that today, you’ll have seen the word ‘Picnic’ and if you stopped on that word for a moment do you create a picture in your mind? I did, it’s a fanciful picture on a warm summer day sitting in a field either on my own with a book or with friends all relaxed and happy. 

Being Dyslexic I think in pictures so I have a collection in my mind of picnics as a child in the 60’s and 70’s where the idea of buying a sandwich was fanciful and totally ridicules, there was always a packet of crisps involved a club biscuit and a slice of cake which Mum would have made and a little like The Secret Seven there was lashings of lemon aid. Beaches, side of the road, fields, carparks it was the only way to eat when not at home. Also, whatever we took went in flasks, plastic boxes and jam jars so once packed away very little if any rubbish was left behind, everything went home to be washed and brought out again. I love a picnic and this week I’m inspired to think of a location, check out the weather forecast, ring a few friends and herd. Life is about creating moments and they don’t have to be extravagant just soul feeders and I can’t think of anything better to feed the soul and your tum than a good old-fashioned picnic. 

We are also this week talking about sugar and how to remove as much as we can from our diet but what mystifies me when it comes to food manufacturers is not the obvious sugar in sweets biscuits etc it’s the sugar we just don’t need.

Heinz for example produce 2 cans of Baked Beans one, which we’ve been consuming for years and a new kid on the block a healthy version. It says on the front of the can in bold letters ‘No Added Sugar’ and they go on to say in their PR blurb Our No Added Sugar Beanz are also produced with 25% less salt than standard Heinz Beanz, without compromising on the authentic Heinz taste. So my point is if the lack of sugar and salt don’t compromise the flavour why produce the sugar and salt loaded one at all? I’ll leave you with that one.


Anthea X

Article originally from My Weekly!


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